Who is managing what. What is managing who. Therefore, all you need to do is do what’s best for you. My life can sometimes read like a riddle. At times it plays in beautiful, poetic rhythm. Then it surprises me with a rolling wave of confusion. And when I least expect it, what in God’s name did Miss Tay do?
Manage over. Manage up. Manage left. Manage right. Manage down and all around. Internal. External. Inside out. Right side up. Upside down. From this view. From that view. Known boundaries. Unknown fears. Under the water. On top of solid ground. A life preserver is sometimes nowhere to be found. Stop before exhaustion. Search your mind and heart for peace. Ask them to work together, to unify a path. Pause. Breathe. Restart with fresh focus. From wherever you are right now. Gather yourself. Heck, gather a village. Take at least one step forward. In motion. In truth. Believe in yourself. Change your mind, when you need to. Don’t just survive this life. Do epic. Do you.
My beautiful daughter, Taylor, also known as Miss Tay, greeted me in my home studio as I painted quietly at my easel. Coffee in hand, she gently graced me with a head hug that filled the entire space between my neck and shoulder.
“What you doing?” she softly asked.
“Painting. What are you doing?”
“I got my coffee.”
“I see that. What do you have planned next?”
“Drink my coffee.”
I couldn't resist smiling as she approached my desk. Before placing her coffee cup down, she stopped to read the words engraved on my charming Annie's Barn cup coaster: DO EPIC SHIT.
“Mom, what does epic mean.”
A deep breath of nothingness left my lips. Her question was just a passing moment. A straightforward thought reaction. Providing an answer felt crucial. Examples and visuals had to be readily available.
I laid down my brush and scooted my stool next to Taylor. Together, we began googling for unique opportunities for adults with special needs. Something Taylor might connect with. Something we can manage. Something she might manage too. Digestible ways for her to discover her own understanding of what doing epic shit means. Pausing to remind her of her own personal moments of epic proportion. Beginning her life in 1991, with a fragile, two-year maximum lifespan diagnosis. Becoming a History Maker in 2005, inspiring the song The Last Ones, off the History album by the American Christian music recording artist, singer-songwriter, and storyteller Matthew West. Then, achieving epic-ness as a published, children’s book co-author and illustrator in her 30’s. Trust me, there’s a very long list: those are just a few. Mindfully, I acknowledged that Miss Tay did not mirror my personal tendencies to overcome, challenge, strive, climb, be impressed, grow—she preferred the process, the moment, the flow. Taking cues from her loved ones, and sometimes following characters and movie themes. Settling comfortably in the lines between reality and dreams. Measuring a day by the clock, weather, surrounding events, meals, prompted requests, and tangible needs. Even as a young child, she was not motivated by the participation in typical team sport activities. Always sneaking off the field to high-five, hug, commune with family and friends. Once she experienced something, her attention span would end.
With a tilted head, she leaned into the computer screen. Pressed the bridge of her glasses in. Then asked, “What’s that one, mom?”
United Rocks. A non-profit charitable organization creating Rock Climbing Teams for individuals with Different Abilities. www.unitedrocks.org and www.movementgyms.com
The timeline that unfolded:
May 9, 2024, Wait List Confirmation
August 11, 2024, Trial Opening Acceptance with Weekly Practice
September 15, 2024, Event Invitation
October 15, 2024, Welcome to The Team
January 26, 2025, Reaching the Top
The first four months held many physical, mental, and emotional challenges. Even my husband Jeff and I intermittently grappled to balance our own fears of the unknown. Are we pushing her too hard? Is this an attainable goal for Taylor? How do we define success for her? Down Syndrome alone includes low muscle tone, limited cognitive skills, and in Taylor’s unique case, heart complications. What if her desire and abilities aren’t enough to make the team? Regardless, what is a realistic goal? Just trying or just making it halfway up the wall? Each week, Taylor tried. Each week, she could not wait to try again.

It took a team of volunteers to support, assist, coach, and repeat. Starting at ground level, we worked together to help her discover the right path towards the top of a wall. Two steps forward, one step back. Fear of falling. Sore toes and hands. Sore legs and frustration, just hanging there too long, while processing all the cues. Tears of frustration when the task seemed too large. All while her patient and loving team encouraged her through. Physically lifting her weight with their own hands and shoulders, when they needed. Giving her extended breaks. Giggling, dancing, talking to lift the mood. Creatively acknowledging the smallest of wins. Like a wall hugger achievement award. She cradled that in her arms, all the way home. We discovered how much it meant to her when Duane Johnson, The Rock, appeared on the TV. Hopping up from the couch while watching her beloved ABC’s GMA, Good Morning America, news show. She ran up the stairs to grab her award. Waved it in front of the TV. Probably the fastest we have ever seen her move, squealing all the way. Confident that The Rock was proud of her too. Later, proudly showing off her Taylor Swift Friendship Bracelets to anyone she encountered, she explained how she received them for accomplishing incremental goals. Savoring Starbucks Lattes on the way to practices. Celebrating small victories. Making friends. Being a member of a team. Feeling cool.
She awoke, poured a small cup of steaming hot coffee. Purposely selected her outfit based on events of the day. Today was climbing practice. More importantly, it was also the day her beloved Kansas City Chief’s football team was playing for a spot in the Superbowl—if they won, they would be the champs, 3 years in a row. Epic shit, Taylor knew that was real. Choosing to wear Chief’s gear, in lieu of her climbing shirt. A quick Starbuck’s run on the path to the gym. Taylor seemed extraordinarily alert. It was a good day. Independently changing into her climbing shoes, strapping on her safety belay, and heading to the mat to stretch with her team. Jeff and I were approached by a poised and confident volunteer crew. Today is the day. “No way!?!” They had already discussed it with beaming Miss Tay. This larger team assembled to manage her all the way. The vibe, the energy, the way that Miss Tay held her head up high as she approached the wall. The drama, the dancing, the goofing around was missing. With no time wasted, she began climbing the wall. I cried. I trembled, holding my phone as still as I could. Somehow, I managed to get it all on film. 14:26 minutes later, Taylor began descending from the top of that wall.
She could not have done it alone. She trusted her team. They saw her through. Thank you from every fiber of our being, United Rocks and the following crew.
Sarah, Sadie, JJ, Greg, Ila, Audrey, and Leslee. You are all rock stars!
For many years, I have consistently prayed for emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, and financial well-being. Focusing to be a good steward of any blessing received. Relatively speaking, depending upon the moment, because needs and desires came to me in varying speeds. Moving targets, needing to be monitored and managed as carefully as I could. And, occasionally, I tend to get swept away by the seat of my pants to wherever the wind blows me. Climbing. Clawing. Dreaming. Living. Laughing. Crying. How about you? What components of yourself are you praying for, currently investing in? It is a new year after all. Acknowledge and evaluate quickly. Lean into your fear of the unknown. Manage a move. Manage your mood. You can always change your position as you gain truth along the journey. Keep it Real has forever been Miss Tay’s mantra. Keeping it Simple has become her motto.
As you take the next sip of your coffee of choice, gift yourself with a moment to ponder what epic means to you. Keep it simple. Keep it real. Savor both the freedom and the fear each time you manage to just take some action. What, in God’s name, might you create for you?
Cheers! Life’s a canvas—Paint it with kindness. Love, Bonnie J. Gibson and Miss Tay
Shout out to the Kansas City Chiefs. We cannot wait for Super Bowl LIX. Thanks for inspiring Miss Tay to win, and for your win too! Stay Epic! www.chiefs.com
Shout out to Matthew West. Miss Tay learned to reach higher, and be epic, from you! www.matthewwest.com
Shout out to Starbucks. Thanks for bringing back Pistachio Latte! Miss Tay's Favorite: A Grande 2-pump Pistachio Oatmilk Latte! www.starbucks.com
THE FOX HOLLOW SERIES books are available on AMAZON. These books are for children—But the messages are for us all! Here’s a direct Amazon link for the latest Book 6 , TALES OF THUNDER @ https://a.co/d/1kUqpmC
Facebook @bonniejgibson_author
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Amazon Author Page for Bonnie J. Gibson
Your love and support brings us tremendous joy! We pray you find your own spark of inspiration in our journey! -Bonnie and Miss Tay